Todd Fiscal Court approves gas pipeline funding, purchase of voting machines

Todd County Fiscal Court approved the next payment for the Pennyrile Regional Energy Agency pipeline and the purchase of three new voting machines at Friday’s meeting.

The check is in the amount of $15 million and Judge-Executive Todd Mansfield says they recently received that money from the state, and this approval lets them get it to the agency.

The proposed pipeline will begin in Trigg County north of Cadiz and make its way along I-24 to Oak Grove before making a turn to the east toward Guthrie, with communities along the Pennyrile Regional Energy Agency pipeline to have access.

The natural gas agency began as an inter-local agreement between the cities of Trenton and Guthrie.

With the intent to put voting precincts back in Kirkmansville and Allegre, County Clerk Cindy O’Bryan requested funding in the amount of roughly $13,000 to purchase three new voting machines.

One of the machines would act as a back-up in case a machine went down on election day. Magistrates approved the request unanimously.