CCSB approves 23-24 school year calendar, temporary easement for KY 115 road project

The Christian County School Board approved a resolution granting temporary easement to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to the right-of-way for a road project on KY 115, and approved the calendar for school year 2023-24.

The temporary easement is to help pave the way for road work that has been planned for some time, including widening and the creation of turn lanes near Pembroke Elementary School. Director of Finance Jessica Darnall says the only portion of the school property that will involved in the construction are the entrances to the parking lot.

Any road work is planned to not take place during school hours, so as not to impact bus routes or parent pick up and drop off.  The hope is to make KY 115 safer to travel, not just for students, but all who drive that road—the resolution was approved unanimously.

The calendar for school year 2023-2024, that was approved unanimously on first reading, would have the first day of school be August 9 and the last day for students would be May 16.  Fall break in 2023 would fall between October 9 and October 13, while spring break would be the week of April 1.

Director of Pupil Personnel Melanie Barrett says something new they will begin during the next school year are early release days—of which there are four currently planned—for students, and those are to allow for teachers to have more time to plan and be prepared for their classes.

The calendar includes 172 instructional days, along with eight make-up days in the event of any inclement weather.