A local Halloween time favorite activity is returning to Jeffers’ Bend Environmental Center on October 23—the telling of Bell Witch Story for Torchlight Tales.
The family friendly event gets underway that day at 5:30 p.m. as people gather around a large bonfire to listen to the tale of the Bell Witch, local legend of the strange events that happened in the early 19th century in Adams, Tennessee, as told by local historian William Turner and Wayne Goolsby.
This year’s Torchlight Tales presentation will include the first Bell Witch Costume Affair in which children of all ages especially those 3 to12 are encouraged to wear a Bell Witch themed costume. All participants in the Costume Affair, will receive a gift bag and certificate of participation.
The entrance fee is only $5.00 per vehicle and with military and first responders getting in free—hot chocolate, homemade cookies and s’mores will be served upon attendees arrival.
For more information about the event, contact the Pennyrile RC&D office at (270) 885-5600.