A large crowd of supporters and community members attended a ribbon cutting at University Heights Academy as they celebrated the official opening of the new expansion on campus.
Construction has been underway for many months and this will be the first year to enjoy the space that will house the upper school students. Upper School Director Marvin Denison says this new building has been a longtime coming and both staff and students are thrilled to no longer be using portable buildings.
There once stood several trailers on the campus that served as additional classrooms and science labs, but this expansion eliminates those. New Head of School Beth Unfried says these are exciting times and the school is going to continue improving and providing the best for their students.
Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks says the growth is not only an opportunity for the school, but also an opportunity for the community that has such an institution in it.
The 14,000 square foot building adds 11 classrooms, including a science lab, computer lab and a musical education room. It also opens up additional space in the original building that other students are now free to utilize. It marks the first construction on the campus since the 1990’s.
University Heights Academy’s first day of the new school year is August 15.