Comer discusses guns after recent shootings
Comer/file photo While western Kentucky Congressman James Comer says he doesn’t support any new gun control measures following recent mass shootings at schools in Marshall County and Florida, he is […]
Hopkinsville man arrested for meth trafficking, DUI
A Hopkinsville man was arrested by Kentucky State Police in Hopkins County Monday on charges of trafficking in methamphetamine and DUI. According to a news release, a trooper initiated a […]
Hopkinsville woman charged with felony theft
The Hopkinsville Police Department served a Hopkinsville woman with a warrant for felony theft after she allegedly used a 10-year old child to steal jewelry. According to the warrant, 35-year […]
Panel discusses tax changes
A panel of speakers including Congressman James Comer talked about recent federal tax reform and how it is and will impact businesses and workers during a Christian County Chamber of […]
Man charged with third DUI
A Cadiz man was arrested Wednesday for his third DUI in 10 years after he reportedly drove into a ditch while intoxicated. According to the Hopkinsville police report, 33-year old Jeremy […]
Vehicle stolen from Dixie Drive
The Hopkinsville Police Department is investigating the theft of a vehicle from Dixie Drive Wednesday afternoon. According to the police report, the Chevrolet had broken down on Dixie Drive and […]
WKU’s Rick Stansbury interview
Western Kentucky basketball coach Rick Stansbury was in Hopkinsville earlier this week for the 8th district basketball tournament. WHOP’s Todd Hamilton talked with Stansbury:
8th district championship games tonight
Championship games take place this evening at Christian County with the boys game featuring Christian County and University Heights at around 7:30. The Colonels are seeking their first district title […]
Hoppers announce two more players for 2018 roster
Two players from the University of New Mexico will join the Hoptown Hoppers this summer. Coach Brock Moss says left hand pitcher Brian Coffey is from Las Vegas and played […]
Tonight’s College Basketball Schedule
OVC action has Austin Peay concluding its road schedule at SIU Edwardsville. Murray State’s men’s and women’s teams play at Eastern Illinois. Western Kentucky plays its next to last home […]