Warmer temperatures, isolated thunderstorms possible this week
It’s going to get warmer this week, with isolated thunderstorms possible across the area for the next several days. In a weather conference call Tuesday morning, Senior Forecaster Keith Cooley […]
Human Rights Commission hosting 60th anniversary gala July 15
The Hopkinsville Human Rights Commission is gearing up for their 60th anniversary and they’ll be hosting a gala on July 15 to celebrate. Appearing on WHOP Tuesday morning, Executive Director […]
Westerfield appointed to new Jail and Corrections Reform Task Force
State Senator Whitney Westerfield of Christian County has been appointed as a member of the newly formed Jail and Corrections Reform Task Force. He says the group will look into […]
Small earthquakes reported in McLean County
A pair of small earthquakes just west of Calhoun in McLean County were felt by more than a few people in that area of western Kentucky. The U.S. Geological Survey […]
Job fairs coming up in Hopkinsville, Elkton
The South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council and West Kentucky Workforce Investment Board are partnering with other agencies to host a pair of job fairs in the coming days. EDC […]
Updated: Two killed Monday in ATV, UTV accidents in Marshall County
Officials have released additional information on ATV and UTV accidents from Memorial Day in Marshall County that killed two people. Coroner Kenny Pratt says 30-year old Luis Benitez of Mayfield […]
Burglary investigated on Bahama Drive
Hopkinsville police are investigating a burglary on Bahama Drive. Someone went inside a building in the 3800 block of Bahama between May 12 and Saturday morning and stole a chainsaw […]
Fort Campbell soldier dies after motorcycle accident
A Fort Campbell soldier has died from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident Monday night on Fort Campbell Boulevard in Clarksville. As previously reported, the crash involved another vehicle and […]
VFW remembers fallen with Riverside Cemetery Memorial Day service
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1913 honored the men and women who have died for their country Memorial Day morning with their annual service at Riverside Cemetery. Local Disabled American […]
Gov. Beshear remembers fallen on Memorial Day
Governor Andy Beshear was among those remembering the fallen Monday with a Memorial Day message. He noted that approximately 10,000 Kentuckians have paid the ultimate price defending freedom during times […]