Job fairs coming up in Hopkinsville, Elkton

The South Western Kentucky Economic Development Council and West Kentucky Workforce Investment Board are partnering with other agencies to host a pair of job fairs in the coming days. EDC […]

Burglary investigated on Bahama Drive

Hopkinsville police are investigating a burglary on Bahama Drive. Someone went inside a building in the 3800 block of Bahama between May 12 and Saturday morning and stole a chainsaw […]

Fort Campbell soldier dies after motorcycle accident

A Fort Campbell soldier has died from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident Monday night on Fort Campbell Boulevard in Clarksville. As previously reported, the crash involved another vehicle and […]

Gov. Beshear remembers fallen on Memorial Day

Governor Andy Beshear was among those remembering the fallen Monday with a Memorial Day message. He noted that approximately 10,000 Kentuckians have paid the ultimate price defending freedom during times […]