Rep. Dossett focus on road projects, pay wages for upcoming legislative session

The meeting of the 2024 session of the Kentucky General Assembly is just on the horizon and Representative Myron Dossett of Pembroke is ready to once again tackle a budget session. 

Speaking with WHOP News recently, Dossett—who recently filed his paperwork to seek re-election as the representative of District 9—says he has a lot he would like to see accomplished this session, especially pertaining to the budget.  Something of vital importance to him is the widening of KY 115 in Pembroke, saying he’ll work to make sure funding is available to get that project done for the safety of all who use that road.

Dossett says he would also like to address what he calls ‘pay compression’, which is often unfair to those who have been working but aren’t making as much as new hires, but says they need the cooperation of the Governor’s Personnel Cabinet to do so.

Representative Dossett says he’d also like to see the Long-Term Disaster Recovery Groups that were created in the wake of the December 2021 tornadoes become permanent fixtures in communities.

There’s a lot on the table when legislators return to Frankfort on January 2, and they’ll have until mid-April to get it all done, with a two-year spending plan at the top of the priority list.