Brice Long Back-2-Back Foundation Concert brings music, fun to Alhambra

The sound of guitars, good humor and generosity filled the air at the Alhambra Theater Saturday night, as the Brice Long Back-2-Back Foundation concert took the stage.

Long was joined by singer and songwriters Dylan Altman, Will Jones and Marshall Altman, as they performed their hits and joked with each other, entertaining a crowd of people who all showed up to support a good cause—the Back-2-Back Foundation. The Back-2-Back Foundation supports local families in need, usually around Christmas time, but Long says thanks to amazing generosity of this community, they’ve been able to expand their reach.

He says the fact they’ve made such a big impact always blows him away, and he’s grateful he’s able to do this along with the help of many others.

Long says this event is a partnership between the foundation and numerous sponsors that help make this a reality each year.

While this the 18th year for the Brice Long and Friends concert, it is the 19th year the Back-2-Back Foundation has been in operation, meaning it will soon reach its 20th anniversary—and in that time, it has put $1 million back into the community Long still calls home.