Republican candidates for District 8 state rep. talk priorities in forum

Republican Representative Walker Thomas and Republican Caldwell County Judge-Executive Larry Curling are both running to be state representative in District 8 and they met again in debate Wednesday.

Questions were offered up by the Christian County Republican Party and Christian County Young Republicans to the candidates, with Curling saying some of his legislative priorities would be infrastructure, from roadways to internet access.

Thomas says tax exempt military pensions remains vitally important to him, but he would also continue to focus on protecting pro-life and second amendment issues while pushing for further tax reform.

Both men agree that the struggles of homelessness should be addressed a local level but they would be receptive to any solutions that could take place in the state legislature.

Curling says his numerous years in education and his time as a public servant in local government gives him the qualifications needed to represent the eighth district well. Thomas says he has a proven track record in Frankfort, serving as leadership on committees and listening to his constituents.

The forum in its entirety can be viewed on the Christian County Republican Party YouTube page.