The Kentucky House has forwarded a bill adding restrictions and reforms to benefits, including SNAP and Medicaid, on to the Senate for consideration during the last full week of the session.
That’s shaping up to be a lot for both branches of the legislature to consider as the veto period rapidly approaches. Representative Myron Dossett says the bill does add some work requirements and consolidated both food benefits and Medicaid information on the same card.
Representative Walker Thomas says the bill will hopefully help solve some of work force shortage in the state by encouraging people to find employment.
Both representatives voted in favor of the measure.
A conference committee still has to out put a final version of a budget in the little over a week left in the session—something Senator Whitney Westerfield is not happy about.
The veto recess begins on March 31—after its completion, the General Assembly will reconvene on April 13 and 14 for any overrides of those vetoes, and then the 2022 session will come to a close.