Kentucky House begins budget-making process by passing bills

The Kentucky House approved a one-year budget Monday, but those bills are really just a vehicle to get the process started.

Representative Walker Thomas of Hopkinsville says the House and Senate need to each pass their own spending plan this week in order to hammer out a compromise in a conference committee.

Representative Myron Dossett says the House budget is mostly a continuation of the current plan that was formed during the uncertainty at the beginning of the pandemic.

Dossett reiterated his concerns about overly-optimistic revenue projections in the governor’s proposed budget, saying the final product from the conference committee should be based solely on reoccurring revenue and not one-time federal CARES money.

The General Asssembly will adjourn Wednesday and break until reconvening on Tuesday, February 2.

Any budget that does pass will require a two-thirds vote in both chambers with it being an odd-numbered year when budgets are not normally on the agenda.