University Heights Academy graduates the class of 2024

The 2024 graduating class of University Heights Academy received their diplomas and were recognized for their academic achievements at Friday’s commencement ceremony.

Before the graduates were presented with their diplomas, the graduating class valedictorians and salutatorian spoke to about their experience as Blazers. Six valedictorians were named including, Evelyn Cotthoff, Addi Fourqurean, Anna Fourqurean, Ileana Hernandez, Prit Patel, Gargi Shah and Audrey Grise was named the salutatorian.

Despite her journey as a student at UHA coming to an end, Cotthoff shared that her experience as a student will always stick with her. Cotthoff says she will think of UHA whenever she sees Little Caesar’s Pizza, green polo shirts and alarm clocks.

Grise took time to look toward the future offered some advice to her fellow graduates as they step into their next chapter. Grise told graduates to live in the present, step outside of their comfort zone and to be proud of their accomplishments.

Shah was the final graduate to speak and she wished her peers well as they become fish in a bigger sea.

Awards were also given out to faculty and students. Lisa Allen received the Norman J. Wiedmer Faculty Award, Cotthoff received the Head of School Award and Riley Bailey received the D.A.R Citizenship Award.

As many of the graduates plan to pursue higher education it was also announced that the class collectively received around $1.2 million in scholarships.

Following the student recognitions, the class of 2024 was graduated and ended the ceremony by tossing their caps in the air.