TVA offering rebates for HVAC tune-ups

The Tennessee Valley Authority is looking to help residents become more energy efficient through their rebate program, aimed that helping owners with the cost of HVAC tune ups.

TVA will pay homeowners a $50 rebate – per heat pump or central air conditioning unit – to get their HVAC system inspected to make sure it’s ready for the summer heat.

A TVA Quality Contractor HVAC professional can conduct an annual tune-up and inspection. Prices typically range from $49 to $150, depending on the location and company. Ashley England with the TVA Energy Services and Programs says it’s simple to sign up for a rebate.

Getting your HVAC checked will prolong the life of the unit and save you money on your energy bill because it will be running at maximum efficiency. If you need to replace your unit, TVA is offering rebates of up to $1,500 on qualifying equipment and England says they offer rebates on a wide variety of items.

Combining rebated upgrades can save households up to 50 percent a year on their energy bills and heating and cooling is typically the largest energy expense for a household. England says they have plenty of reliable, trustworthy contractors to choose from.

Since in October 2023, TVA began investing $1.5 billion through 2028, to help homeowners and businesses save money on their power bills, especially in the hot summer and cold winter months, through energy efficiency incentives and demand response programs that help consumers lower their energy use.

To qualify, customers must use a member of TVA’s Quality Contractor Network to have eligible upgrades installed.