The Community Collaboration for Children is partnering with organizations in the region to host free events informing parents and caregivers about dangers children may face, such as exposure to drugs, human trafficking and more.
Sabrina Davis who works as the Regional Network Coordinator for the Collaboration says the organization is under the Pennyrile Allied Community Services and operates in the Pennyrile and Purchase regions. Davis says the Collaboration focuses on child abuse awareness and prevention as well as providing families with resources.
Coming in March the Collaboration is helping host Narcan training, the Be AWARE Conference and the Tackling Tough Conversations Conference.
The Collaboration is partnering with the Christian County Prevention Coalition and the Christian County Sheriff’s Department to host Narcan Training on March 7. Beyond teaching attendees how to use Narcan, Davis says the event also serves to educate the community about what substance abuse could look like.
Those who attend can receive free Narcan and hear from a panel of local experts discussing opioid and fentanyl use in the county. Narcan training will be hosted the Sheriff’s Office with two separate sessions from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The Collaboration is partnering with the Purchase Regional Network to host the Be AWARE (Always Wonder About Real Experiences) Conference on March 19. Davis says attendees will receive presentations on fentanyl addiction and poisoning, how to keep children safe on the internet, what human trafficking and sextortion looks like and much more.
The conference is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Murray State Regional Campus in Paducah.
To host the Tackling Tough Topics Conference on March 26, the Collaboration is partnering with the Pennyrile Regional Network. Davis says the conference will focus on many of the same topics as the Be AWARE Conference.
Davis says attendees we receive presentations as well as be able to participate in breakout sessions concerning opioids, child exploitation and preventing suicide
The conference is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the James E. Bruce Convention Center. Each of the events being hosted is free to the community, but Davis says attendees must register and that can be done by scanning the QR codes on the event flyers.
Davis also shares that at both of the conferences they will be accepting hygiene products for children in need. More information about the Collaboration and the events they are hosting can be found at Community Collaboration for Children Lakes Region on Facebook.