New Visit Hopkinsville director shares upcoming community events

After taking on the role as the Executive Director of the Hopkinsville-Christian County Convention and Visitors Bureau in November, Ryan Clark appeared on WHOP on Wednesday to share what upcoming events are in store for the community.

Before being selected as the Executive Director of the bureau, Clark served as the Director of Marketing, Public Relations and Events with the Oak Grove Tourism Commission. Clark says he has worked in the tourism industry for around 10 years and loves the field as he is able to have a positive impact on the local community.

Clark highlighted the work the bureau does and what activities they have planned for the future. On February 6 through 10 the local bureau will be collaborating with other agencies in the area when students, teachers and local representatives from Carentan, France visit Fort Campbell.

In 2019, visitors from Carentan, France came to Fort Campbell to honor the soldiers that liberated their city during World War II. Clark says they are coming back to tour Fort Campbell, the surrounding area and possibly speak with a World War II veteran.

Later in the month on February 24, Clark says that the bureau along with the Christian County Literacy Council will be hosting the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee where over 30 schools in Western Kentucky will be competing.

Once the weather warms up, Clark says they working toward hosting their Western Kentucky Distillery Tour where attendees can get a glimpse at how distilleries like Casey Jones and MB Roland operate.  

More information and updates regarding events being hosted by the bureau can be found at their website or on Facebook at Visit Hopkinsville.