resident receives new home through city housing improvement program

Charlene Northington of Hopkinsville was presented with keys to her newly rehabilitated home provided through the Hopkinsville Home Improvement Program on Tuesday.

Northington is the first person to receive a home through the program since 2020. The program is a partnership between the City of Hopkinsville and Community and Development Services and works to rehabilitate homes in the community and give those keys to someone in need.

CDS Management Services Coordinator, Laura Faulkner says they work with applicants for multiple years to provide them with a home, and is proud of the service they are able to provide.

Faulker says in 2020 the program was able to provide five houses for residents with federal housing improvement grants and funds, but with the COVID-19 pandemic starting in 2020 they saw less housing funds and more funds geared toward public health.

Now, Faulkner says she hopes they are able to revamp their program and provide more rehabilitated homes for those in need.

After receiving her keys Northington expressed how thankful she was for her new home.

In regards to the continuation of the program, Faulkner says they currently have another home that is under construction.