Relay For Life takes over Sportsplex Friday

Christian County Relay for Life will take over the Jennie Stuart Health-Planters Bank Sportsplex in Hopkinsville this coming Friday, in the name of raising money to benefit those battling with cancer.

Pam Futrell with Relay appeared on the WHOP Early Bird Show Monday morning and says people can give to the cause in multiple ways at Relay Friday, starting at 6 p.m. at the Sportsplex with booths and vendors on hand from the 26 teams taking part in Relay this year. All money raised stays local, helping those fighting cancer in numerous ways.

There will be a full list of events planned for the event, including the survivor walk and a memory walk for those who have lost a loved one to cancer.

Donations can be made at the event but also at any time in the year by contacting Futrell or reaching out through the Christian County Relay For Life Facebook page.

Luminaries will still be available for purchase that night, so people can still take part in the ceremony that evening—festivities will wrap up around 11 p.m. This is the 31st annual Relay For Life event in Christian County.