Heavy rain, localized flooding possible this week

Rain moves back into the region this week and some of it could potentially be heavy at times.

After a beautiful start to the week, Forecaster Rachel Trevino with the National Weather Service in Paducah says they’re keeping a close eye on the timing of the set up of the storm system that will impact this area starting Tuesday and continuing through Thursday.

The system carries a risk of heavy rain and the threat of localized flooding.

Trevino says the threat of flooding will be at its highest wherever rain and thunderstorms ‘train’, meaning going over and lingering in the same areas that have already received rain.

Trevino urges people to stay weather-aware this week and keep an eye on new weather forecasts as they work to pin-down where the heaviest rain will fall.  Stay tuned to the WHOP Family of Stations for updates on this developing heavy rain event.