About 2,200 attend Touch a Truck

About a half hour of rain in the middle of a morning of mostly great weather didn’t stop Touch a Truck from being a success Saturday at Debow Park.

Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tab Brockman says about 2,200 people were at the park with an opportunity for youngsters to climb up on a fire truck, ambulance, police car, military vehicle and several other pieces of heavy equipment.

Brockman says Touch a Truck has been successful in all seven years it’s been hosted in Hopkinsville and it continues to be a fun day for the family.

He says they’re thankful for all of the agencies and entities who participate and bring vehicles out to the park.

Rain held off for the first 90 minutes or so, but the event was doused with a rain shower for a half-hour.

This year’s event was the first to feature an hour for folks who may be especially sensitive to loud noise, as there were no sirens or horn-honking between noon and 1 p.m.