U.S. Senator Rand Paul believes the country should change its laws regarding how asylum-seekers enter the United States.
Florida Governor Ron Desantis recently made headlines by sending about 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard without prior notice, with many of them seeking asylum in the United States.
Senator Paul believes there should be a process where asylum-seekers should fill out paperwork at a port of entry prior to being allowed into the country.
The Fed raised the interest rate for a third time this year Wednesday and Senator Paul believes the ultimate solution to reducing inflation is for the federal government to stop borrowing money.
He believes stimulus money approved during the COVID shutdowns are largely to blame for the inflation.
Senator Paul says he continues to be frustrated at times with the pace that FEMA moves in providing relief to victims of flooding in eastern Kentucky and tornadoes in western Kentucky and says his office continues to advocate for victims of those disasters who are having issues with the agency.