Rotary hears of growth, upcoming events from Downtown Renaissance District

The Downtown Renaissance District in Hopkinsville is gearing up a slew of events in the coming weeks, and Director Holly Boggess says they continue to see growth and interest in that area.

Speaking with the Rotary Club of Hopkinsville Tuesday, Boggess says the district is focused on revitalizing the downtown area through incentives and events and since their inception, there have been 38 new businesses, housing and more.

The Hoptown HarvestFest is next on the list for the weekend of September 23, but after that there are only more things to look forward to—from events to the opening of new restaurants.

She says people can help keep downtown improving by just being a cheerleader for the community, let people know about what events are happening and what downtown has to offer.

For more information what events and what projects are upcoming for the Downtown Renaissance District, give them a follow on Facebook.