VFW takes a moment to remember, honor those lost on 9/11

Veterans of Foreign War Post 1913 in Hopkinsville held their annual 9/11 remembrance ceremony Sunday, in spite of the rainy weather outside.

Post Commander John Brame says the attacks that happened in the country on September 11, 2001 should never be forgotten, not just for what occurred that day, but the years of war and the many lives that were additionally lost following those days.

He says the VFW will continue to host this memorial for as long as they are able, to not only to honor those lives but to also teach new generations of what happened.

VFW Chaplin Richard Cooper prayed that the country would more forward with the knowledge of the day and the resolve to not live in fear while doing so.

The sun was shining by the end of the ceremony, allowing attendees to take a moment to release their balloons, remembering that day that changed the country forever, and the lives of those who were lost.