Jeffers’ Bend brings back Water Festival Saturday

The Water Festival returns to Jeffers’ Bend Environmental Center this Saturday and officials are ready to invite families back into the center to enjoy a day of family-friendly activities.

Charles Turner with Jeffers’ Bend says the pandemic really put a stop to most events they hold for the last two years, so they’re more than ready to get back into the groove with this Water Festival from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday.

He says there will be upward of 32 stations for people to visit, multiple games and activities, and a chance to win door prizes by visiting booths scattered around the center.

Diane Croney-Turner says entrance will be free into the Water Festival, but there will be food vendors on site so make sure to bring a little spending money.

Money raised through out the event will go back to benefit Jeffers’ Bend, as they gear up for even more events in the future, including Take Kids’ Fishing Day on May 28.