The Rotary Club of Cadiz got a visit from State Auditor Mike Harmon at Tuesday’s meeting, and he discussed what his office has been up to and their drive to follow the data.
Auditor Harmon says that’s always been his goal from the day he took first office in 2016—to follow the data and the facts where it comes to auditing across the state. He says his office discovered a lot of fraud happening concerning the unemployment system in Kentucky during the COVID-19 pandemic, and sadly a lot of that still remains to be resolved, even as some claims still go unfilled.
His office worked with state legislators to pass cost-saving auditing measures for county governments, including the Agreed Upon Procedures that have really helped counties that consistently have clean audits.
Auditor Harmon is seeking the Republican nomination to run for Governor, and says he has taken precautions in his office to make sure business stays professional and appropriate, as he still has a job to do.
The auditor says his office is always looking for qualified auditors to employ, and people who are interested can apply on the Kentucky State Auditor website. More information about what auditors are performed across the state can also be found there, along with many individual audit reports.