Local legislators overall pleased with budget bill

Governor Andy Beshear still has over a week to look over the General Assembly’s executive budget and to make any vetoes he pleases before lawmakers head back to Frankfort later this month with the option of overriding any of those vetoes.

State Senator Whitney Westerfield of Christian County is overall pleased with the two-year spending plan, but wishes he could have gotten funding included to help school districts, including Christian County, who have major construction projects coming up that will be made more expensive by inflation.

Ninth District state Representative Myron Dossett of Pembroke is happy that increased funding for the Breathitt Veterinary Center in Hopkinsville is included and believes it’s a conservative spending plan.

Representative Walker Thomas of Hopkinsville believes the spending plan represents a significant commitment to education.

Hear local legislators discuss the budget and other topics Sunday morning at 9 on Lite Rock 98.7 and online at lite987whop.com.