Todd Co. Fiscal Court approves funding requests for time capsule, Sheriff’s Office

Todd Fiscal Court approved some expenditures for the time capsule event taking place later this month and heard an update from Todd County Emergency Management.

The burying of another time capsule is set to take place on October 23 on the lawn of the Todd County Welcome Center located at the 1835 Courthouse on the Public Square in Elkton. This one will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the county, as it won’t be unearthed and opened until 2070.  Glenn Slack with Historic Todd, Inc. says they were originally going to request no higher than $2,000, but they were able to think of ways to save in costs for the project.

He says this capsule will be roughly the size as the last one and they intend to fill it with as much as possible celebrating Todd County.

Magistrates approved the request in the amount of $1,500, which will pay for protective envelopes and other materials, along with the capsule and labor to bury it.

Emergency Management Director Daniel Smith told magistrate that work continues on upgrading the 911 system, and they can expect more upgrades to both software and hardware to take places in the coming months—he says his office intends to file for grants to help fund the endeavors.

In other action, Fiscal Court approved $20,000 to go towards the Todd County Sheriff’s Department to assist with operating costs.