Martin does Court TV interview ahead of sentencing

Formal sentencing is set for Thursday afternoon for Christian “Kit” Martin, who was convicted by a jury for the November, 2015 murders of three neighbors in Pembroke, and he spoke with Court TV ahead of that court date.

The jury found Martin guilty of the killings of Pam and Cal Phillips and Ed Dansereau in June following a trial held in Hardin County. They recommended a sentence of life without the possibility of parole and it will be up to Circuit Judge John Atkins Thursday as to whether to adhere to that recommendation.

In the interview from the Christian County Jail, Martin told Court TV he was shocked when the jury verdict was read.

Martin’s lawyers filed a motion recently to overturn the verdict or for a new trial, but both requests were denied.

The interview will air at 6 p.m. on Court TV and on the Court TV website.