Comer donates Library of Congress books to local library, talks priorities

Congressman James Comer made a stop in Hopkinsville Monday to deliver books from the Library of Congress to the Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library.

Congressman Comer, who represents the first district in Kentucky, says a new program allowed members of congress to request surplus books to go back to their districts, and his first donation went to Hopkinsville’s library—which he calls unique and innovative.

Comer was recently named the Republican Leader of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, the primary investigative committee in Congress.  He says its main focus has always been to pursue legitimate waste, fraud and abuse in government and one of his goals is take make the committee less partisan and more transparent to the people.

He says a vote will soon happen with the National Defense Authorization Act, which will directly affect Fort Campbell, and he thinks officials will be pleased with the legislation.  Congressman Comer says chances look pretty good for a second round of stimulus checks to go out to the American people, but he says it’s important get people back to work.

The congressman took a tour of the public library and reminded everyone that the 2020 Census is still active—and people can complete it by going online to