Todd County stays at 17 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of Saturday and Public Health Director Jen Harris gave an update on reopening and the impact of the virus in that county.
Todd County has 16 confirmed cases and one ‘probable’ case, putting the total at 17. Of those cases, four are active and 13 people have recovered from the virus. She also gave an update on surrounding counties—Logan County has 82 cases, with Harris saying a good portion of those cases are in a long term care facility. Muhlenberg County is at 402 cases, with the majority of those cases at Green River Correctional Complex.
Harris says there’s good news to be found in the fact that the mortality rate seems to be decreasing across the state.
She says they continue to stay in contact with the Amish and Mennonite communities, and they intend to start making extra efforts to reach more of the African American community, who seem to be dis-proportionally affected by the virus.
She urged people to keep social distancing and frequently washing their hands, especially as people will be able to gather together more on May 22. Speaking on reopening of businesses, Harris says while it’s up to the businesses about their stance on masks, she would urge people to wear them when out in public.
She says right now, you should act as if everyone you come in contact with has COVID-19.
If any businesses or other agencies are in need of hand sanitizer or other items of PPE, Harris says they can contact the Todd County Health Department of Todd County Emergency Management.