Kentucky Community and Technical College System President, Dr. Jay Box is postponing his retirement during this ongoing pandemic.
The KCTCS Board of Regents is delaying the search for a new system president. The work to prepare for the search has been postponed with the goal of posting the job at the end of August and having a new president announced in January 2021, according to a news release.
Dr. Box approached the board chair about staying in his position through the end of September to continue to lead the system through this uncertain time and ease the transition for Interim President Paul Czarapata.
Board Chair Gail Henson says, “The members of the KCTCS Board of Regents Executive Committee are unanimously supportive and appreciative of President Box’s proposal. In this unprecedented time, President Box has been working tirelessly to help the 16 colleges, employees and students transition to their new off-campus realities, and it would’ve been very easy to walk away and turn it over to someone else.”
Hopkinsville Community College is among those 16 institutions overseen by KCTCS.