Pennyrile Walk to End Alzheimer’s is Sunday

The Pennyrile Walk to End Alzheimer’s is this Sunday in downtown Hopkinsville, where large crowds will take to the streets to walk in support of finding a cure.

Cindy Hancock with the walk appeared on WHOP Friday and says that it has been moved from a Saturday to a Sunday this year, due to all the events taking place downtown Saturday with the Harvest Festival.  She says registration will start at 1 p.m. and then the opening ceremonies will begin at 1:45 p.m.

She says the opening ceremonies are always special, with flowers handed out the represent those living with the disease, caretakers and those who were taken too soon by Alzheimer’s.

The fundraising goal for the walk this year is $85,000 and Hancock says they’re trailing a little behind—she urges anyone who can to donate, in the hope of one day having a survivor, and right now there is no cure.  The walk will begin at the Christian County Justice Center. For more information on the event and how to get involved or donate, go online to