Hopkinsville City Councilman Darvin Adams released a statement to local media regarding his recent arrest on a warrant for failing to appear in Jefferson County court to face a flagrant non-support charge in September of 2016.
The statement reads in full:
As an elected official of the city of Hopkinsville and a community leader in a number of important streams, I feel the need to be transparent in a statement that will attempt to address a recent story about my personal shortcomings. I hope and pray that this statement will bring clarity to some of the particulars of my life as a supportive father to my children. I have been paying child support since 1996. The court case that the media has brought to your attention involves my daughter, who is soon to be a 21 year-old junior at the University of Louisville. She has grown into a beautiful woman. I love her dearly. The incident reported by the media stems from a miscommunication in regards to the collaborative scheduling of a court date years ago. Being a non-supportive father was never an option for me. I admit that over the course of 20 plus years, at times, I have struggled to keep up. But I have managed to be a supportive father in a variety of ways. I will not make excuses nor will I cast blame for what has transpired. Again, I have no problem admitting that there were times when I struggled to pay child support. I am now nearing the very end of my child support journey with my daughter.. As a newly elected official, the last thing that I want to be is a distraction. But rather, the only thing I want to be is effective. In order to be effective, I think leaders must also be transparent. I am the product of great parenting within great families on both sides. With this statement, I am being as transparent as I possibly can about who I am as a father and my intentions for leadership in the city of Hopkinsville. I now focus my attention back on the job at hand which is to develop Ward 1 and the entire city of Hopkinsville. I ask you to join me in doing so.
Dr. Darvin A. Adams I