Hundreds of people, including citizens, elected officials and numerous students playing various sports, filled the Hopkinsville Sportsplex as the ribbon was officially cut for the facility Wednesday.
The indoor sports complex has been under construction for many months and is now open for business, with Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks saying thousands of people have already taken advantage of the building—which is a great start for its economic impact.
Magistrate Darrell Gustafson this project is a shining example of when city and county government work together for the community.
Following the ribbon cutting, attendees were able to go inside and explore the glassed-in turf soccer courts, batting cages, 18 basketball goals, volley ball nets, bleachers, concessions and meeting rooms. The facility is 54,000 square feet with multiple recreational options possible.
Mayor Hendricks also thanked the many entities involved in the construction, including Sherman Carter Barnhart Architects, A&K Construction, the Hopkinsville Public Works and Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Departments and Chris Jung and Tony Henson.
For more information about the now open facility and or how to rent a space there, like the Hopkinsville Sportsplex Facebook page.