Local farmer gives $2,500 donation to Grace and Mercy

Grace and Mercy, the faith based rehabilitation center for women, is celebrating a recent donation they received from a local farmer that was sponsored by the Monsanto Fund.

Micah Lester donated $2,500 as part of the America’s Farmers Growing Communities initiative and the money will go towards computers and classroom supplies for Grace and Mercy residents. As a non-profit organization, Grace and Mercy receives no government funding to help purchase those items.

Director Joanna Mack says, “Our program utilizes computers to complete on-line college courses, and search for jobs. Workbooks and DVDs are used in classes onsite and we are very grateful for such wonderful contributors as the Lester family.”

Since the program began in 2010, the Grow Communities program has partnered with farmers to support nonprofit organizations important to them in their local communities. The program has given more than $29 million to farming communities since its inception, including more than $3 million in 2018.