Candidates speak at League luncheon

The League of Women Voters hosted a meet the candidates luncheon Friday and multiple people running for varying offices in Christian County attended.

There are many candidates facing off in the primary election—which is Tuesday—including those running for sheriff, Hopkinsville city council, fiscal court magistrate, state representative and for congress. Both Republicans and Democrats will be able to vote for who they want to represent their party in those positions Tuesday.

Both Trent Haddock and Paige Parker are running as Democrats and there is no one running as a Republican for the position, which means whoever wins the primary will be the next Circuit Court Clerk.

Parker says the experience of campaigning has been rewarding and she’s ready to lead the clerk’s office by example with hard work and community involvement.

Haddock urged everyone to get out and vote and encourage others to vote, and that a vote for him is a vote for responsibility and experience.

Each candidate in the room was given two minutes to speak to the audience about why they want to run for office and what their goals are. The polls will be open from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Tuesday and to learn where your polling place is located or how to vote absentee, call the Christian County Clerk’s Office at 270-887-4105.

Hear from the candidates who spoke at the luncheon below: