Todd County Fiscal Court heard updates on the Novelis industrial project and on its current budget as the fiscal year comes to a close during its first meeting of May Friday morning.
Treasurer Tammy Robertson gave her quarterly report and says most departments are under budget after 10 months of the fiscal year, including the Todd County Jail by a significant margin.
Todd County Attorney Mac Johns says property acquisition for the Novelis plant on US 79 in Guthrie has been finalized and the state has approved the county’s bonding and grant incentive.
Johns also reminds those who have received delinquent tax notices to contact his office as soon as possible, as a third-party collector won’t be as accommodating to work with when the bills are sold in August.
In other action, magistrates gave final approval to 45 mph speed limit zones for Old Allensville Road between KY 102 and Traughber Road, Miller Valley Road from US 68 to Pea Ridge Road and Hadden Mill Road from KY 106 to Pea Ridge Road.