Christian Fiscal Court approved a bid to replace the roof on the historic Alhambra Theatre at Tuesday’s meeting and heard the monthly Christian County Animal Shelter report.
Fiscal Court approved a $737,550 bid from Swift Roofing from Murray, which will replace the roof over the entire annex building. Magistrate Darrell Gustafson says it was the best long-term option since holes will be made in the roof during renovations, which voids the existing warranty.
Architect Jack Shah says by accepting the whole roof replacement bid with this contractor, they saved money.
The entire $2.5 million renovation also includes improvements inside the building and bonding will be paid for with revenue from the new hotel tax.
In other action, Treasurer Walter Cummings gave the animal shelter report, saying the facility took in 307 animals in February and found homes for 304.
Magistrates also approved funding of $6,750 to build a small repeater tower on North Ridge Road to act as a backup and create more capacity for the emergency radio system.