Multiple municipal orders were approved concerning downtown projects at Tuesday’s Hopkinsville City Council meeting, along with the property deed for the sportsplex.
City Attorney Doug Willen explained the purchase agreement, saying the City will pay $247,500 for approximately four acres of land adjacent the James Bruce Convention Center, and then the Conference Center Board will pay half of that back for expenses associated with construction.
Funding for multiple downtown projects was approved, including the Sudden Service Station renovation and conversion into public bathrooms, acquisition and stabilization costs of the land the Peter Postell building once stood, the development of a downtown master plan and the creation of a business incubator.
Mayor Carter Hendricks asked Downtown Renaissance Director Holly Boggess to clarify that funding will come from the Inner City REZ budget after the REZ committee recently voted to reallocate surplus funds to projects.
Alethea West spoke during public comments and says while she understands the desire for these projects, she hopes that city council is holding these committees accountable and making sure they evaluate the needs of inner city neighborhoods appropriately.
All the municipal orders were approved unanimously. Council recognized the University Heights Academy robotics team, which took first in the state competition and will go on to compete in the world competition in April.