Local legislators comment on Hoover resignation

Local legislators say they were pleased that Representative Jeff Hoover followed through on his commitment to resign as House speaker Monday.

Hoover gave a passionate 20-minute speech on the House floor proclaiming he never engaged in sexual harassment or unethical behavior before saying he would officially step down. Representative Walker Thomas of Hopkinsville says there was some fear he might go back on his promise.

Representative Hoover was one of four lawmakers who signed a secret settlement in a sexual harassment claim brought by a staffer. Governor Matt Bevin said they should all resign their House seats, which none did.

Representative Myron Dossett of Pembroke hopes this week’s development will put the spotlight back on the budget and pension reform.

Meanwhile, state Senator Whitney Westerfield says Hoover was right to resign and he’s glad the investigation has been turned over the Ethics Commission, but he says the issue could still have a looming presence over this session until the investigation is complete.


Hear local lawmakers discuss this and other issues Sunday morning at 9 during our Legislative Update program on Lite Rock 98.7 and online at lite987whop.com.