BWA for portion of Guthrie

Update: The Boil Water Advisory that had been in effect for a portion of Guthrie has been lifted. The water has been tested and approved for consumption. From Guthrie Water […]

Elementary Schools present nearly $39k to Rotary

The 73rd WHOP Rotary Radio Auction has reached the halfway mark after three nights, with elementary schools reporting their fundraising efforts Wednesday night. Those schools presented a record $38,700 and […]

GOP candidates for Gov. debate on KSR

Four candidates seeking the Republican nomination for governor debated Wednesday morning on Kentucky Sports Radio. New polling shows Governor Andy Beshear as the fifth-most popular governor in the nation and […]

Two injured in Boulevard accident

Two people were injured in a two-vehicle accident Tuesday night at Fort Campbell Boulevard and the Pennyrile Parkway. It happened about 7:30 p.m. and the collision report from Hopkinsville police […]

City Council sees swearing in of new HPD chief

Hopkinsville City Council heard the monthly financial report Tuesday night and held a ceremonial swearing-in for new police chief Jason Newby. Retiring Chief Clayton Sumner introduced Newby, who officially began […]