Madisonville announces champion Winged Elm tree

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Madisonville’s Mahr Park Arboretum has received state recognition for the location with Kentucky’s largest Winged Elm tree. The recognition was made through the Kentucky Division […]
Agriculture adventures during the local FFA trick or treating event

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Christian County High School FFA is hosting an indoor Halloween event as an alternative option for trick or treating. Join the chapter for the 3rd […]
FFA members gather to discuss the challenges that face future generations
By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Local FFA chapters made their way to Indianapolis this past week to partake in the 97th National FFA Convention and Expo. Christian County High and […]
Farm Bureau awards Congressman Comer with high honor

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Congressman James Comer was presented the “Friend of Farm Bureau” award on behalf of the American Farm Bureau Federation. The award was given to Congressman […]
Luke Bryan’s Farm Tour host special guest Commissioner Shell

By: Ag. Reported Mollie Goode In October Agriculture Commissioner Jonathan Shell and Luke Bryan signed a proclamation to celebrate farmers and support agriculture across the state. Country Music singer Luke […]
Young podcaster is sharing agriculture life through a producer lens

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode One Barren County native has found great success in rooting himself in the growing future of the agriculture industry. Matthew Estes has not just committed […]
Elizabethtown rescue dog is a finalist in Farm Dog of the Year Competition for her rescue efforts

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Kentucky Farm Bureau announced that a Kentucky dog was selected as a finalist for the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 2024 Farm Dog of the Year […]
EKU focuses on sustainable agriculture, hands-on learning opportunities

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Eastern Kentucky University’s sustainable agricultural practices are setting high standards for college campuses. According to a news release, EKU’s 720-acre Meadowbrook Farm currently houses cattle […]
Chronic Wasting Disease activates response plan for Kentucky deer farmers

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode The Kentucky Department of Agriculture was recently notified about a positive Chronic Wasting Disease test from a deceased deer and measures have been taken. According […]
Celebrate Kentucky pork farmers by adding the protein to your dinner plate

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Commissioner of Agriculture Jonathan Shell has proclaimed October as Pork Month in Kentucky. Shell is not holding back when it comes to celebrating agriculture industries […]