Democrat Amy McGrath has made it official that she’ll try to unseat U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell during the 2020 elections.
She launched her campaign with an online video Tuesday morning that notes her service as a Marine fighter pilot before going right after Senator McConnell—blaming him for political dysfunction and national division.
The video is titled ‘The Letter’ as she tells of writing McConnell as a 13-year old with her desire to fly combat jets—only to have him not write back. She says she’s often wondered how many other people McConnell hasn’t written back.
The Georgetown resident says she’s running because she has the experience and knowledge to represent Kentucky in Washington.
McGrath appeared on MSNBC shortly after releasing the video, calling herself a moderate. She says she opposes taking away private insurance and doesn’t support Medicare for all—noting many people like their private coverage.
McGrath ran an unsuccessful campaign for Kentucky’s 6th District Congressional seat against U.S. Representative Andy Barr in 2018.
Kentucky Sports Radio host Matt Jones is also considering a run for the Democratic nomination for Senate next year.