Christian Fiscal Court approves first reading of budget

Christian Fiscal Court approved first reading of a budget for the upcoming fiscal year Tuesday morning and a magistrate asked the county attorney to look into potential regulations that could greatly affect the local Amish and Mennonite populations.

Judge-Executive Steve Tribble presented the proposed $29.8 million budget that is about $6.3 million less than the current year’s spending plan. The reduction is mostly due to completion of construction at the new Christian County Sheriff’s Department and of renovations at the Alhambra Theatre.

Judge Tribble says there are funds in the new budget for work on the Historic Christian County Courthouse.

County employees would receive a 3 percent cost of living raise under the spending plan and the budget fully funds the $517,000 funding request from the Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library.

Pension costs are going up by $167,000 in the new budget. About $3.6 million is included for roads and bridges and funds for three new box culverts and new equipment to care for county right of ways.

In other action, Magistrate Darrell Gustafson requested that County Attorney John Soyars look into what regulations might be possible for steel horse shoes and tractors and buggies with steel wheels on local roads.

Squire Gustafson says Lonnie Walker Road was recently repaved and then severely damaged within a week by horses wearing shoes that were altered with spikes for additional traction.

Soyars said he would look into what might be possible and Gustafson says he hopes the county will consult with other communities in Kentucky who have looked into similar action.

Altered horse shoe recently picked up along local roadway by Christian County Road Department