Kansas cat found on Fort Campell, returned home thanks to microchip

A Kansas family who thought their cat was long gone now has her home again after the microchipped feline was located hundreds of miles away on Fort Campbell.

It’s a mystery how exactly Ollie made her way from Kansas to the local post, but officials at the Fort Campbell Stray Animal Facility said Tuesday in a Facebook post that she had been brought in as a stray.

They scanned the cat for a microchip and found the Kansas address. It’s not unusual to scan a microchip with an out of state address on a military base, but the facility was surprised when they called the family and learned Ollie actually went missing two months ago in Kansas.

It took about a month to figure out how to reunite Ollie with her family, but volunteers helped and she is safely at home.

The Fort Campbell Stray Animal Facility says the story is good evidence of how important it is to have your pets microchipped—cats and dogs—as it could mean a lost pet being reunited with your family someday.
