Comer supports national emergency for wall, hopeful on trade deal to end tariffs

Western Kentucky Congressman James Comer believes President Trump is correct to declare a national emergency to construct a border wall and is hopeful a trade deal will be negotiated with China to remove tariffs that are hurting local farmers.

The Republican from Monroe County asserts that Democrats were not going to work with President Trump to build a wall he believes is needed to prevent drugs from coming into the United States from Mexico.

Comer acknowledges he is afraid a future president who is a Democrat could use the power to declare an emergency on gun control, but says the President used the last option he had for a wall that he believes a majority of his constituents support.

On tariffs, Congressman Comer says he’s heard the cries of farmers and Ag. leaders across western Kentucky and he’s also anxious to see a trade deal negotiated with China that will remove tariffs hurting area growers. He says with the planting season upon us, there’s urgency for negotiators in the President’s administration to get the deal done by the end of the month.

You can listen to our entire interview below: