City council approves Hopkinsville Solid Waste commercial rates increase

Hopkinsville City Council approved first reading of an increase of the Hopkinsville Solid Waste commercial garbage rates at Tuesday’s meeting.

The increase comes at the request of Hopkinsville Solid Waste General Manager Tony Sicari, who says he’s worked hard to avoid an increase for the last seven years, but the rising cost of operations changed that. He says it’s around a seven to nine percent increase, based on the volume of trash being picked up, and should generate an additional $10,000 to $12,000 each month.

Councilman Terry Parker clarified that this increase does not affect residential trash collection, but commercial—meaning businesses and other such agencies.

The increase was approved unanimously on first reading and if approved a second time, will go into effect on April 1st.

In other action, council approved a resolution recognizing the city of Carentan Les Marias, located in Normandy, France, as a ‘Sister City’—forming a partnership to celebrate and honor the 101st Airborne Division and its efforts during World War II. Sister Cities International was founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in an effort to create more community-led global relationship to hopefully avoid future national conflicts and promote peace.

Recently promoted Hopkinsville Fire Department Captain Kevin Quarles was sworn in and recognized at the meeting.