Rep. Walker Thomas
While the budget and pension reform remain the two top priorities of the Kentucky General Assembly, local lawmakers have their eyes on other issues as well.
Representative Lynn Bechler of Marion doesn’t expect it to get done this session, but wants major tax reform to happen soon—possibly in a special session.
Representative Myron Dossett agrees and believes going toward a sales tax-based system will spur economic growth along the state line.
Making pensions tax-exempt for retired military men and women in Kentucky is a priority for Representative Walker Thomas, who believes any revenues lost at the beginning will be made up later.
Senator Whitney Westerfield saw his top legislative priority—Marsy’s Law—pass 15 days into the session, but says he’s waiting on a companion bill now that will spell out who the crime victim’s bill of rights would apply to and how it would be applied.
Westerfield expects that bill to make it through the Senate and House with little to no opposition.