Judge-Executive Daryl Greenfield and County Attorney Mac Johns
Todd County Judge-Executive Daryl Greenfield praised various people and agencies at Friday’s fiscal court meeting for their roles in making this week’s announcement that Novelis will bring 125 new jobs to Guthrie possible.
Novelis will make a $300 million investment to construct the aluminum sheet manufacturing facility on US 79 near the railroad overpass.
Judge Greenfield, who is not seeking reelection, praised magistrates for operating the county like a business for the last seven years. He hopes the next judge and court will continue on the same path.
He says Novelis will bring high-paying jobs to Todd County.
Judge Greenfield gave special recognition to Todd County Attorney Mac Johns for his efforts in recruiting the Novelis plant to Guthrie.
He also praised the City of Guthrie for its willingness to do what it took to attract Novelis.
Todd County is furnishing the land and will complete some of the dirt work. TVA, the Todd County Water District and the City of Guthrie are working on putting infrastructure in place. The plant is set to open in 2020.