City Council receives clean audit report, discusses grant funding

Hopkinsville City Council received a clean audit report and approved applying for and accepting grants at their Tuesday meeting.

Before the meeting, council members Brandi Stallons of Ward Two and Brittanie Bogard of Ward Nine read a proclamation recognizing March as Women’s History Month.

Kelly Webb from York, Neel and Associates, LLP presented an audit report for the prior fiscal year. Webb examined multiple financial statements regarding major fund programs and internal controls. She says the city received a clean audit with no findings.

Turning toward municipal orders, council members approved applying for grant funds from the Assistance to Firefighter Grant, a program run through FEMA. Grant funds will go toward acquiring operation and safety equipment for fire trucks and a bush truck.

The equipment is expected to cost around $309,000. If the grant is awarded, the city will be responsible for matching 20% of it, so council members approved around $62,000 for the grant match.

Council members then approved accepting a $7 million grant from the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, which will support the design and construction of the road system and rail spur at Commerce Park II.

The grant requires up to $4 million of matching grant funds, so council members approved around $204,000 for the grant match.