HOPFAME program hosting open house next week at HCC

Hopkinsville Community College is hosting a HOPFAME open house next Tuesday, and they’re inviting those interested in being a part of the Hopkinsville Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education co-hort. 

The program is for those interested in pursuing a career in advanced manufacturing and this open house is a chance to learn about how to get involved. Success coach Mary Rachael Leach says it will take place on Tuesday, February 11, from 5 p.m. Until 7 p.m. and they’ll teach you everything you need to know.

Piper Krohn is a member of the program and is approaching her last semester, and she appeared alongside Leach on the WHOP Early Bird Show Thursday to talk about the boon the program has been to her education. She says this co-hort has allowed her to build the skills she needs.

Leach says students who take part in the program attend classes two days a week and work at a sponsoring manufacturer for a competitive wage a minimum of 24 hours each week. She says that it also comes with a near-guarantee of future employment.

HCC’s HOPFAME program boasts a partnership of nearly 20 regional manufacturers, educational institutions and community organizations with the purpose of implementing apprenticeship-style training, bringing highly skilled workers in advanced manufacturing.